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Thursday, December 31, 2020

December 31, 2020

Spontaneous robot dances highlight a new kind of order in active matter

Researchers have proposed a new principle by which active matter systems can spontaneously order, without need for higher level instructions or even programmed interaction among the agents. And they have demonstrated this principle in a variety of systems, including groups of periodically shape-changing robots called 'smarticles.'

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 31, 2020

Traditional Ghanaian medicines show promise against tropical diseases

The discovery of new drugs is vital to achieving the eradication of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) in Africa and around the world. Now, researchers have identified traditional Ghanaian medicines which work in the lab against schistosomiasis, onchocerciasis and lymphatic filariasis, three diseases endemic to Ghana.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 31, 2020

Stretching diamond for next-generation microelectronics

Diamond is the hardest material in nature. It also has great potential as an excellent electronic material. A research team has demonstrated for the first time the large, uniform tensile elastic straining of microfabricated diamond arrays through the nanomechanical approach. Their findings have shown the potential of strained diamonds as prime candidates for advanced functional devices in microelectronics, photonics, and quantum information technologies.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 31, 2020

Social media safety messages: Pictures should match the words

When using social media to nudge people toward safe and healthy behaviors, it's critical to make sure the words match the pictures, according to a new study. After looking at social media posts, parents of young children were better able to recall safety messages such as how to put a baby safely to sleep when the images in the posts aligned with the messages in the text.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 31, 2020

Study points the way to boost immunotherapy against breast cancer, other solid tumors

Researchers report that adding a small molecule to a chimeric antigen receptor-T (CAR-T) cell therapy can help immune system T cells to effectively attack solid tumors, such as breast cancers. The boost helps recruit more immune cells into battle at the tumor site, according to the new study.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 31, 2020

Blood vessel cells implicated in chronic inflammation of obesity

When fat cells in the body are stuffed with excess fat, the surrounding tissue becomes inflamed. That chronic, low-level inflammation is one of the driving factors behind many of the diseases associated with obesity. Now, scientists have discovered a type of cell responsible, at least in mice, for triggering this inflammation in fat tissue. Their findings could eventually lead to new ways to treat obesity.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

December 30, 2020

New research may explain severe virus attacks on the lungs

In some cases, immune cells in the lungs can contribute to worsening a virus attack. In a new study, researchers describe how different kinds of immune cells, called macrophages, develop in the lungs and which of them may be behind severe lung diseases. The study may contribute to future treatments for COVID-19, among other diseases.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 30, 2020

Gut cells sound the alarm when parasites invade

When the parasite Cryptosporidium enters the body, it's cells in the intestines that first recognize the invader, triggering an early immune response, according to a new study. A leading cause of diarrheal disease in young children globally, the parasite generates an inflammatory response beginning in the intestines that exacerbates the effects of malnutrition.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 30, 2020

Potential new RX strategy for stroke

new research reports that a combination of a new drug and selected DHA derivatives is more effective in protecting brain cells and increasing recovery after stroke than a single drug.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 30, 2020

A pursuit of better testing to sort out the complexities of ADHD

The introduction of computer simulation to the identification of symptoms in children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has potential to provide an additional objective tool to gauge the presence and severity of behavioral problems, researchers suggest.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

December 29, 2020

More effective training model for robots

Multi-domain operations, the Army's future operating concept, requires autonomous agents with learning components to operate alongside the warfighter. New research reduces the unpredictability of current training reinforcement learning policies so that they are more practically applicable to physical systems, especially ground robots.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 29, 2020

General anesthesia and normal sleep affect brain in an amazingly similar way as consciousness fades

What happens in the brain when our conscious awareness fades during general anesthesia and normal sleep? Scientists studied this question with novel experimental designs and functional brain imaging. They succeeded in separating the specific changes related to consciousness from the more widespread overall effects, and discovered that the effects of anesthesia and sleep on brain activity were surprisingly similar. These novel findings point to a common central core brain network fundamental for human consciousness.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 29, 2020

Stopping RAS inhibitors tied to worse outcomes in patients with chronic kidney disease

Small studies have suggested that a group of medications called RAS inhibitors may be harmful in persons with advanced chronic kidney disease, and physicians therefore often stop the treatment in such patients. Researchers now show that although stopping the treatment is linked to a lower risk of requiring dialysis, it is also linked to a higher risk of cardiovascular events and death.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 29, 2020

Detective work in theoretical physics

Physicists have published a review article on the so-called dynamical density functional theory (DDFT). This is a method for describing systems consisting of a large number of interacting particles such as are found in liquids, for example.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 29, 2020

Sugars influence cell-to-surface adhesion

An international team of researchers examined how movement and adhesion in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii can be manipulated. To this end, the researchers altered the sugar modifications in proteins on the cell surface. As a result, the so-called adhesion force was also altered.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 29, 2020

A single gene 'invented' haemoglobin several times

Thanks to the marine worm Platynereis dumerilii, an animal whose genes have evolved very slowly, scientists have shown that while haemoglobin appeared independently in several species, it actually descends from a single gene transmitted to all by their last common ancestor.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 29, 2020

Brain imaging predicts PTSD after brain injury

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a complex psychiatric disorder brought on by physical and/or psychological trauma. How its symptoms, including anxiety, depression and cognitive disturbances arise remains incompletely understood and unpredictable. Treatments and outcomes could potentially be improved if doctors could better predict who would develop PTSD. Now, researchers using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have found potential brain biomarkers of PTSD in people with traumatic brain injury (TBI).

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 29, 2020

Global trial reveals life saving drug for acute myeloid leukemia

Results from a global trial across 148 sites in 23 countries, showing a 30 per cent improvement in survival in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), significantly improving survival in older patients, over the age of 55, with the disease. AML is the most acute blood cancer in adults and its incidence increases with age, with a poor prognosis.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily

Monday, December 28, 2020

December 28, 2020

Surveys identify relationship between waves, coastal cliff erosion

Researchers have always known that waves were an important part of the cliff erosion process, but they haven't been able to separate the influence of waves and rain before. After decades of debate over the differing roles that both play, new findings provide an opportunity to improve forecasts.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 28, 2020

Common brain malformation traced to its genetic roots

Researchers have shown that Chiari 1 malformation can be caused by variations in two genes linked to brain development, and that children with large heads are at increased risk of developing the condition.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 28, 2020

Vaping could cloud your thoughts, new studies suggest

Both adults and kids who vape were more likely to report difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions than their non-vaping, non-smoking peers on two annual national surveys. Survey results also suggest that kids were more likely to experience mental fog if they started vaping before the age of 14.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 28, 2020

Important milestone in the creation of a quantum computer

One of the obstacles for progress in the quest for a working quantum computer has been that the working devices that go into a quantum computer and perform the actual calculations, the qubits, have hitherto been made by universities and in small numbers. But in recent years, a pan-European collaboration has been exploring everyday transistors -- that are present in billions in all our mobile phones -- for their use as qubits.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 28, 2020

Quick look under the skin

Imaging techniques enable a detailed look inside an organism. But interpreting the data is time-consuming and requires a great deal of experience. Artificial neural networks open up new possibilities: They require just seconds to interpret whole-body scans of mice and to segment and depict the organs in colors, instead of in various shades of gray. This facilitates the analysis considerably.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 28, 2020

Carbon capture: Faster, greener way of producing carbon spheres

A fast, green and one-step method for producing porous carbon spheres, which are a vital component for carbon capture technology and for new ways of storing renewable energy, has been developed. The method produces spheres that have good capacity for carbon capture, and it works effectively at a large scale.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 28, 2020

Music-induced emotions can be predicted from brain scans

Researchers have discovered what type of neural mechanisms are the basis for emotional responses to music. Altogether 102 research subjects listened to music that evokes emotions while their brain function was scanned with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 28, 2020

Primordial black holes and the search for dark matter from the multiverse

Astronomers are studying black holes that could have formed in the early universe, before stars and galaxies were born. Such primordial black holes (PBHs) could account for all or part of dark matter, be responsible for some of the observed gravitational waves signals, and seed supermassive black holes found in the center of our Galaxy and other galaxies.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 28, 2020

Discovery boosts theory that life on Earth arose from RNA-DNA mix

Chemists have made a discovery that supports a surprising new view of how life originated on our planet. They demonstrated that a simple compound called diamidophosphate (DAP), which was plausibly present on Earth before life arose, could have chemically knitted together tiny DNA building blocks called deoxynucleosides into strands of primordial DNA.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 28, 2020

Switching DNA functions on and off by means of light

Biochemists have developed a new strategy for controlling the biological functions of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) by means of light and therefore provide a tool to investigate processes which take place in cells.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 28, 2020

Do toddlers learning to spoon-feed seek different information from caregivers' hands and faces?

When toddlers begin to use a spoon to eat by themselves, what kind of interactions facilitate this behavior? To find out, an international research collaboration investigated the interactions between toddlers and their caregivers during mealtimes at a daycare center in Japan.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Saturday, December 26, 2020

December 26, 2020

Discovery of aging mechanism for hematopoietic stem cells

By transferring mouse aged hematopoietic stem cells (aged HSCs) to the environment of young mice (bone marrow niche), it was demonstrated that the pattern of stem cell gene expression was rejuvenated to that of young hematopoietic stem cells.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 26, 2020

Protein tells developing cells to stick together

Scientists have, for the first time, provided experimental evidence that cell stickiness helps them stay sorted within correct compartments during development. How tightly cells clump together, known as cell adhesion, appears to be enabled by a protein better known for its role in the immune system.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 26, 2020

Astrocytes eat connections to maintain plasticity in adult brains

Developing brains constantly sprout new neuronal connections called synapses as they learn and remember. Important connections -- the ones that are repeatedly introduced, such as how to avoid danger -- are nurtured and reinforced, while connections deemed unnecessary are pruned away. Adult brains undergo similar pruning, but it was unclear how or why synapses in the adult brain get eliminated. Now, a team of researchers has found the mechanism underlying plasticity and, potentially, neurological disorders in adult brains.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 26, 2020

Weedy Seadragon genomics reveal highly distinct populations

To describe weedy seadragons as unique is an understatement. With a fused, elongated jaw, body armor, leafy appendages and no pelvic fins, these fish are like no other. Found only along Australia's temperate coast, numbers have been declining. Now a landmark study using genomics reveals four distinct populations in south-eastern Australia.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 26, 2020

Turning the heat down: Catalyzing ammonia formation at lower temperatures with ruthenium

Scientists report that the metal ruthenium, supported with lanthanide oxyhydrides, can efficiently catalyze the synthesis of ammonia at a much lower temperature than the traditional approach. In their new study, they highlight the advantages of the oxyhydride support and its potential in becoming a feasible catalyst for low-temperature ammonia synthesis in the future.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily

Thursday, December 24, 2020

December 24, 2020

Early mammal with remarkably precise bite

Paleontologists have succeeded in reconstructing the chewing motion of an early mammal that lived almost 150 million years ago. This showed that its teeth worked extremely precisely and surprisingly efficiently.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 24, 2020

Theory describes quantum phenomenon in nanomaterials

Theoretical physicists have developed mathematical formulas that describe a physical phenomenon happening within quantum dots and other nanosized materials. The formulas could be applied to further theoretical research about the physics of quantum dots, ultra-cold atomic gasses, and quarks.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 24, 2020

Plastic is blowing in the wind

The discovery of microplastics in the air above the ocean reveals the spread of this hazardous pollution.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

December 23, 2020

Quantum wave in helium dimer filmed for the first time

For the first time, an international team of scientists has succeeded in filming quantum physical effects on a helium dimer as it breaks apart. The film shows the superposition of matter waves from two simultaneous events that occur with different probability: The survival and the disintegration of the helium dimer. This method might in future make it possible to track experimentally the formation and decay of quantum Efimov systems.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 23, 2020

Scientists develop new gene therapy for deafness

A new study presents an innovative treatment for deafness, based on the delivery of genetic material into the cells of the inner ear. The genetic material 'replaces' the genetic defect and enables the cells to continue functioning normally. They maintain that this novel therapy could lead to a breakthrough in treating children born with various mutations that eventually cause deafness.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 23, 2020

The brain's protein factories at work

Protein synthesis is a finely tuned process in the cell by macromolecules known as ribosomes. Which regulators are responsible for controlling protein synthesis in the brain? To address this question, researchers studied the structure of the brain's ribosomal complexes in great detail. The team was able to identify a new factor which is also involved in controlling brain development.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 23, 2020

Environmental effects of purchasing, consuming mislabeled fish

Seafood is the world's most highly traded food commodity, and reports of seafood mislabeling have increased over the past decade. However, proof of the environmental effects of mislabeled seafood has been scant as has research. So, researchers analyzed the impact of seafood mislabeling on marine population health, fishery management effectiveness, and habitats and ecosystems in the United States, the world's largest seafood importer.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 23, 2020

Liquid bandage detects tissue oxygenation without the drawbacks of wired oximeters

A paint-on, transparent bandage containing phosphorescent materials reads the amount of oxygen reaching transplanted tissue -- a critical component of a transplant's success. Existing oximeter technology is complicated to use, restricts patients' movements, and is subject to false alarms. The first human trial of the liquid bandage in women undergoing breast reconstruction after cancer found that it performed as well as a wired oximeter device, the current clinical standard.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 23, 2020

Controlling cardiac waves with light to better understand abnormally rapid heart rhythms

Over 300,000 people die each year in the US due to sudden cardiac death. In many cases, sudden cardiac death is caused by abnormally rapid heart rhythms called tachycardias, which means the heart cannot pump adequate blood to the body. In Chaos, researchers use mice to study tachycardias and find there are intrinsic mechanisms that exist in heart tissue that they hypothesize lead to the self-termination of rapid cardiac rhythm.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

December 22, 2020

Model predicts where ticks, Lyme disease will appear next in Midwest states

By drawing from decades of studies, scientists created a timeline marking the arrival of black-legged ticks, also known as deer ticks, in hundreds of counties across 10 Midwestern states. They used these data - along with an analysis of county-level landscape features associated with the spread of ticks - to build a model that can predict where ticks are likely to appear in future years.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 22, 2020

Mouse-controlled mouse helps researchers understand intentional control

Researchers have devised a brain machine interface (BMI) that allows mice to learn to guide a cursor using only their brain activity. By monitoring this mouse-controlled mouse moving to a target location to receive a reward, the researchers were able to study how the brain represents intentional control.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 22, 2020

Chemists synthesize 'flat' silicon compounds

Chemists have synthesized extremely unusual compounds. Their central building block is a silicon atom. Different from usual, however, is the arrangement of the four bonding partners of the atom, which are not in the form of a tetrahedron around it, but flat like a trapezoid. This arrangement is usually energetically extremely unfavorable, yet the molecules are very stable.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 22, 2020

In shaky times, focus on past successes, if overly anxious, depressed

The more chaotic things get, the harder it is for people with clinical anxiety and/or depression to make sound decisions and to learn from their mistakes. On a positive note, overly anxious and depressed people's judgment can improve if they focus on what they get right, instead of what they get wrong, suggests a new study.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 22, 2020

Fluvial mapping of Mars

It took fifteen years of imaging and nearly three years of stitching the pieces together to create the largest image ever made, the 8-trillion-pixel mosaic of Mars' surface. Now, the first study to utilize the image in its entirety provides unprecedented insight into the ancient river systems that once covered the expansive plains in the planet's southern hemisphere.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 22, 2020

A powerful computational tool for efficient analysis of cell division 4D image data

A research team has developed a novel computational tool that can reconstruct and visualize three-dimensional (3D) shapes and temporal changes of cells, speeding up the analyzing process from hundreds of hours by hand to a few hours by the computer. Revolutionizing the way biologists analyze image data, this tool can advance further studies in developmental and cell biology, such as the growth of cancer cells.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 22, 2020

Extracting energy from manure to meet peak heating demands

Cornell University is developing a system to extract energy from cattle manure to meet the campus's peak demands for heat in the winter months. Scientists involved with the project give a detailed analysis of the issues required to make this work, including scientific, economic, and energy policy considerations.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 22, 2020

How a large protein complex assembles in a cell

A team of researchers has developed a method that allows them to study the assembly process for large protein complexes in detail for the first time. As their case study, the biologists chose one of the largest cellular complexes: the nuclear pore complex in yeast cells.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 22, 2020

Droughts, viruses and road networks: Trends that will impact our forests

A new study assembled an array of experts to highlight major trends that will impact the world's forests, and the people living around them, in the decade ahead. These trends include drought, viral outbreaks and vast infrastructure expansions across the globe. According to the researchers, a global strategy for human-nature interaction must be developed if we intend on ensuring the survival of both.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 22, 2020

Brain tissue yields clues to causes of PTSD

A post-mortem analysis of brain tissue from people who had been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may help explain enduring mysteries about the disorder, such as why women are more susceptible to it and whether a dampened immune system response plays a role in dealing with stress, a team has found.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 22, 2020

High-five or thumbs-up? New device detects which hand gesture you want to make

A new device developed by engineers can recognize hand gestures based on electrical signals detected in the forearm. The system, which couples wearable biosensors with artificial intelligence (AI), could one day be used to control prosthetics or to interact with almost any type of electronic device.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 22, 2020

How to be happier in 2021

'If you want to make a New Year's resolution that really makes you happy, think about the ways in which you can contribute to the world, because the research shows it's not just good for the world but also really good for you,' says an international expert on motivational research.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 22, 2020

Invasive in the U.S., lifesaver Down Under

New research reveals monitor lizards should be regarded as 'ecosystem engineers' as they provide food and shelter to other reptiles, insects and mammals, helping prevent extinction.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 22, 2020

Potential new drug target to treat cutaneous T cell lymphoma

In order to improve their understanding of how CTCL develops in hopes of developing new therapies, a team of scientists conducted a series of studies. They demonstrate that decreased expression of the protein SATB1 contributes to CTCL development and that drugs that cause SATB1 to become re-expressed may be potential treatment options for this disease.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 22, 2020

Variety: Spice of life for bumble bees

The yield and quality of many crops benefit from pollination, but it isn't just honey bees that do this work: bumble bees also have a role. A team has used innovative molecular biological methods and traditional microscopy to investigate the pollen collecting behavior of honey bees and bumble bees in agricultural landscapes. It turns out bumble bees take much more pollen from different plant species than honey bees to satisfy their need for protein.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 22, 2020

How nearby galaxies form their stars

How stars form in galaxies remains a major open question in astrophysics. A new study sheds new light on this topic with the help of a data-driven re-analysis of observational measurements. The star-formation activity of typical, nearby galaxies is found to scale proportionally with the amount of gas present in these galaxies. This points to the net gas supply from cosmic distances as the main driver of galactic star formation.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 22, 2020

New optical fiber brings significant improvements to light-based gyroscopes

Researchers have taken an important new step in advancing the performance of resonator fiber optic gyroscopes, a type of fiber optic sensor that senses rotation using only light. Because gyroscopes are the basis of most navigation systems, the new work could one day bring important improvements to these systems.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily

Monday, December 21, 2020

December 21, 2020

Melody of an Alpine summit falling apart

The summit of the 2592 meters high Hochvogel is sliced by dangerous fracture which continues to open. It is difficult to judge when the summit might crack. Researchers are developing a new monitoring method. Seismic sensors measure the summit's natural vibration. The pitch of the mountain changes depending on the tension in the rock allowing unique conclusions about the development of a landslide.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 21, 2020

Scientists complete yearlong pulsar timing study after reviving dormant radio telescopes

While the scientific community grapples with the loss of the Arecibo radio telescope, astronomers who revived a long-dormant radio telescope array in Argentina hope it can help compensate for the work Arecibo did in pulsar timing. Last year, scientists began a pulsar timing study using two upgraded radio telescopes in Argentina.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 21, 2020

CRISPR helps researchers uncover how corals adjust to warming oceans

The CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing system can help scientists understand, and possibly improve, how corals respond to the environmental stresses of climate change. New work details how the revolutionary, Nobel Prize-winning technology can be deployed to guide conservation efforts for fragile reef ecosystems.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 21, 2020

New phase for synthetic aperture microscopy

Although SAM is undoubtedly a promising approach, current implementations lack in both spatial resolution and frame rate to be useful for emerging applications.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 21, 2020

New model reveals previously unrecognized complexity of oceanic earthquake zones

Researchers constructed a state-of-the-art model based on seismic data from the January 2020 Caribbean earthquake. The model revealed considerable complexity in rupture speed and direction, related to a bend in the fault that triggered several rupture episodes. The analysis revealed previously unrecognized complexity of rupture processes and fault geometry in ocean faults that had been assumed to be simple and linear, with implications for future earthquake modeling and a possible interaction with seafloor evolution.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 21, 2020

Fungal RNA viruses: Unexpected complexity affecting more than your breakfast omelet

Traditional approaches for studying fungal RNA viruses have relied upon sequence similarity, resulting in an underestimation of RNA viral genome diversity. Researchers have now used an advanced technological approach called Fragmented and Primer Ligated Double Stranded RNA sequencing, or FLDS, to identify viral sequences that were previously overlooked. They identified novel viruses and viral genome structures and show that FLDS is a powerful tool for understanding RNA viral genome diversity.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 21, 2020

New energy conversion layer for biosolar cells

A research team has produced a semi-artificial electrode that could convert light energy into other forms of energy in biosolar cells. The technique is based on the photosynthesis protein Photosystem I from cyanobacteria. The group showed that they could couple their system with an enzyme that used the converted light energy to produce hydrogen.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 21, 2020

Climate change: Threshold for dangerous warming will likely be crossed between 2027-2042

The threshold for dangerous global warming will likely be crossed between 2027 and 2042 - a much narrower window than the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's estimate of between now and 2052. Researchers introduce a new and more precise way to project the Earth's temperature. Based on historical data, it considerably reduces uncertainties compared to previous approaches.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 21, 2020

Traditional model for disease spread may not work in COVID-19

A mathematical model that can help project the contagiousness and spread of infectious diseases like the seasonal flu may not be the best way to predict the continuing spread of the novel coronavirus, especially during lockdowns that alter the normal mix of the population.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 21, 2020

California lockdown suppressed excess pandemic deaths

Nearly 20,000 more Californians died in the first six months of the pandemic than would have been expected to die in a normal year, with a disproportionate number of those deaths occurring among older adults, black or Latino residents, or those who had not completed high school, according to a new analysis.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 21, 2020

Learning from three centuries of smallpox epidemics in London, UK

The current COVID-19 pandemic has caused a surge of interest in the study of infectious disease transmission, and how control measures could change the course of the pandemic. New research examines the history of recorded smallpox epidemics in London.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 21, 2020

Meteoric evidence for a previously unknown asteroid

A team of scientists has identified a potentially new meteorite parent asteroid by studying a small shard of a meteorite that arrived on Earth a dozen years ago. The composition of a piece of the meteorite Almahata Sitta (AhS) indicates that its parent body was an asteroid roughly the size of Ceres, the largest object in the main asteroid belt, and formed in the presence of water under intermediate temperatures and pressures.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 21, 2020

Looking for dark matter near neutron stars with radio telescopes

In 1983, theoretical physicist Pierre Sikivie found that axions have another remarkable property: In the presence of an electromagnetic field, they should sometimes spontaneously convert to easily detectable photons. What was once thought to be completely undetectable, turned out to be potentially detectable as long as there is high enough concentration of axions and strong magnetic fields.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 21, 2020

Big step with small whirls

Skyrmions are small magnetic objects that could revolutionize the data storage industry and also enable new computer architectures. However, there are a number of challenges that need to be overcome. A team of researchers has succeeded for the first time in producing a tunable multilayer system in which two different types of skyrmions - the future bits for '0' and '1' - can exist at room temperature.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 21, 2020

The mechanics of the immune system

Not only chemistry plays a role in the docking of antigens to the T-cell; micromechanical effects are important too. Submicrometer structures on the cell surface act like microscopic tension springs. Tiny forces that occur as a result are likely to be of great importance for the recognition of antigens. It has now become possible to observe these forces directly using highly developed microscopy methods.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 21, 2020

How Colorado potato beetles beat pesticides

New research shows that pesticides alter how Colorado potato beetles manage their DNA. These epigenetic changes were passed down two generations suggesting that rapid resistance to pesticides may not require beetles to evolve their genetic code. Instead they may simply use existing genes to tolerate toxins already found in potatoes. The scientists were surprised that these epigenetic changes, triggered by tiny doses of pesticide, were maintained through multiple rounds of sexual reproduction.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 21, 2020

Water and genes flow between the two largest Baltic salmon rivers

Salmon from upstream reaches of the two northernmost Baltic rivers are different from downstream salmon. A recent study found that upstream salmon from the large Tornio and Kalix Rivers in Finland and Sweden are genetically distinct and migrate at different times and ages than their downstream counterparts. However, there seems to be no such distinction between salmon from these two neighboring rivers.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 21, 2020

Targeting the deadly coils of Ebola

Computer simulations of the Ebola virus structure are helping to crack its defenses. Ebola virus nucleocapsid stability conferred by RNA electrostatic interactions.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 21, 2020

New topological properties found in 'old' material of Cobalt disulfide

Researchers have discovered the presence of Weyl nodes in bulk CoS2 that allow them to make predictions about its surface properties. The material hosts Weyl-fermions and Fermi-arc surface states within its band structure, which may enable it to serve as a platform for exotic phenomena.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily

Sunday, December 20, 2020

December 20, 2020

Water limitations in the tropics offset carbon uptake from Arctic greening

More plants and longer growing seasons in the northern latitudes have converted parts of Alaska, Canada and Siberia to deeper shades of green. Some studies translate this Arctic greening to a greater global carbon uptake. But new research shows that as Earth's climate is changing, increased carbon absorption by plants in the Arctic is being offset by a corresponding decline in the tropics.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 20, 2020

King of the Cave: New centipede on top of the food chain in the sulphurous-soaked Movile

A new species of endemic, troglobiont centipede was discovered by an international team of scientists in the Romanian cave Movile: a unique underground ecosystem, isolated several millions years ago during the Neogene, whose animal life only exists because of the chemosynthetic bacteria. As the largest Movile's inhabitant, the new species can easily be crowned as the 'king' of this 'hellish' ecosystem.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 20, 2020

The incredible, variable bacteria living in your mouth

Researchers have examined the human oral microbiome and discovered tremendous variability in bacterial subpopulations living in certain areas of the mouth. In many cases, the team was able to identify a handful of genes that might explain a particular bacterial group's habitat specificity.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 20, 2020

Shifting gears toward chemical machines

Researchers have utilized a catalytic reaction that causes a two-dimensional, chemically-coated sheet to spontaneously 'morph' into a three-dimensional gear that performs sustained work.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 20, 2020

Living environment affects the microbiota and health of both dogs and their owners

In urban environments, allergic diseases are more common among dogs and their owners compared to those living in rural areas. Simultaneous allergic traits appear to be associated with the microbes found in the environment, but microbes relevant to health differ between dogs and humans.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily

Saturday, December 19, 2020

December 19, 2020

Growing numbers of critically endangered sawfish in Miami waters

A new collaborative study found evidence of growing numbers of critically endangered smalltooth sawfish within coastal waters off Miami, Florida, an area where the regular presence of this rare species had gone largely undocumented, until now.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 19, 2020

Stroke and altered mental state increase risk of death for COVID-19 patients

People hospitalized with COVID-19 and neurological problems including stroke and confusion, have a higher risk of dying than other COVID-19 patients, according to a new study. These findings have the potential to identify and focus treatment efforts on individuals most at risk and could decrease COVID-19 deaths.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 19, 2020

NYS can achieve 2050 carbon goals with Earth’s help

By delving into scientific, technological, environmental and economic data, engineering researchers examined whether New York could achieve a statewide carbon-free economy by 2050. Their finding: Yes, New York can reach this goal - and do it with five years to spare.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 19, 2020

Devastating skin disease covering up to 70% of a dolphin's body tied to climate change

Researchers provide the first-ever case definition for fresh-water skin disease in bottlenose dolphins tied to climate change. The study has major implications for the current outbreak in Australia, which is impacting the rare and threatened Burrunan dolphin in southeast Australia, and could provide professionals with the information needed to diagnose and treat affected animals.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 19, 2020

Satellite data identifies companies fishing in high seas

A team of researchers, using satellite data and other analytical tools, has identified companies fishing in high seas -- waters that lie outside of national jurisdiction where fishing has raised fears about environmental and labor violations.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 19, 2020

CAPTUREing Whole-Body 3D movements

Neuroscientists have made major advances in their quest to study the brain; however, there are no tools to precisely measure the brain's principal output -- behavior -- in freely moving animals. Researchers present CAPTURE, a new method for long-term continuous three-dimension motion tracking in freely behaving animals. Attaching markers to rats' head, trunk, and limbs, researchers can use CAPTURE to record the animal's natural behavior continuously for weeks.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 19, 2020

New way to deliver DNA-based therapies for diseases

Researchers have created a new polymer to deliver DNA and RNA-based therapies for diseases. For the first time in the industry, the researchers were able to see exactly how polymers interact with human cells when delivering medicines into the body. This discovery opens the door for more widespread use of polymers in applications like gene therapy and vaccine development.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily

Friday, December 18, 2020

December 18, 2020

Engineers reveal molecular secrets of cephalopod powers

Researchers have revealed the structure of a reflectin variant at the molecular level, and they have demonstrated a method for mechanically controlling the hierarchical assembly and optical properties of the protein. These findings are seen as key steps in exploiting many of the potentially useful attributes of the reflectin family.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 18, 2020

Like tentacles catching fish

Researchers decode the structure of the molecular complex that carries detoxifying enzymes in cells to the right place.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 18, 2020

Artificial Intelligence that can run a simulation faithful to physical laws

Researchers have successfully developed technology to simulate phenomena for which the detailed mechanism or formula are unexplained. They did this by using AI to create a model, which is faithful to the laws of physics, from observational data. This technology will hopefully enable these kinds of phenomena (e.g. wave motion and fracture mechanics) to be more accurately predicted by computer simulations.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 18, 2020

Compressive fluctuations heat ions in space plasma

New simulations carried out in part on the ATERUI II supercomputer in Japan have found that the reason ions exist at higher temperatures than electrons in space plasma is because they are better able to absorb energy from compressive turbulent fluctuations in the plasma. These finding have important implications for understanding observations of various astronomical objects such as the images of the accretion disk and shadow of the M87 supermassive black hole.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 18, 2020

Social holidays improve overall well-being

Social holidays improve holiday makers' overall satisfaction with life, as well as satisfaction with the quantity and quality of their leisure time, and social life, according to a new study. The study analyzed the effect of social holidays on holiday makers' subjective well-being and experience of inclusion.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 18, 2020

Individuals with high ADHD-traits are more vulnerable to insomnia

Individuals with high ADHD-traits that do not meet the criteria for a diagnosis are less able to perform tasks involving attentional regulation or emotional control after a sleepless night than individuals with low ADHD-traits, a new study reports.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 18, 2020

The 'crazy beast' that lived among the dinosaurs

New research describes a bizarre 66 million-year-old mammal that provides profound new insights into the evolutionary history of mammals from the southern supercontinent Gondwana - recognized today as Africa, South America, Australia, Antarctica, the Indian subcontinent, and the Arabian Peninsula.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 18, 2020

Machine intelligence accelerates research into mapping brains

Scientists have used machine intelligence to improve the accuracy and reliability of a powerful brain-mapping technique, a new study reports. Their development gives researchers more confidence in using the technique to untangle the human brain's wiring and to better understand the changes in this wiring that accompany neurological or mental disorders such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disease.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 18, 2020

Fibrous protein finding may lead to improved bioprinting, tissue engineering

Fibrous proteins such as collagen and fibrinogen form a thin solid layer on the surface of an aqueous solution similar to the 'skin' that forms on warm milk, according to a team of Penn State Researchers, who believe this finding could lead to more efficient bioprinting and tissue engineering.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 18, 2020

Growing human organs for transplantation with new proof-of-concept

With the number of people who suffer from organ failures and the growing need for available organs for transplant, finding a new way to provide organs and therapeutic options to transplant patients is a critical need. In a new article, researchers show for the first time that newly established stem cells from pigs could provide a solution, laying the groundwork for growing transplantable human organs.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 18, 2020

How long's too long? Effects of crosslinker length on anion-exchange membrane fuel cells

Anion exchange membrane (AEM) fuel cells (AEMFCs), which produce electricity using hydrogen, are considered an alternative to currently used proton exchange membrane fuel cells. However, AEMs have problems with stability in alkaline conditions, which can be overcome by crosslinking -- but effects of crosslinker length on AEMFC performance are not well understood. Now, scientists have elucidated such effects for oxygen-containing crosslinkers and, using an optimally long crosslinker, produced a novel AEMFC with greater performance.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 18, 2020

Machine learning boosts the search for 'superhard' materials

Superhard materials are in high demand in industry, from energy production to aerospace, but finding suitable new materials has largely been a matter of trial and error based on classical materials such as diamonds. Now researchers have reported a machine learning model that can accurately predict the hardness of new materials, allowing scientists to more readily find compounds suitable for use in a variety of applications.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 18, 2020

Can mammogram screening be more effective?

Economists have identified an important challenge in designing age-related guidelines for when to start breast cancer screenings: Women who start getting mammograms at age 40 may be healthier than the population of 40-year-old women as a whole, with a lower incidence of breast cancer at that age.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 18, 2020

Artificial intelligence classifies supernova explosions with unprecedented accuracy

Scientists have trained machine learning software to classify supernovae without the traditional use of spectra. The project -- the first to use real supernovae data to inform its artificial intelligence -- is 82% accurate. Currently, scientists take spectra of 10-percent of the ~10,000 supernovae discovered each year. When the Rubin Observatory goes online, only 0.1-percent of the expected supernovae discoveries will be further studied without the new software.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 18, 2020

Errant DNA boosts immunotherapy effectiveness

DNA that ends up where it doesn't belong in cancer cells can unleash an immune response that makes tumors more susceptible to immunotherapy, the results of two new studies indicate. The findings suggest that delivering radiation - which triggers DNA release from cells - before immunotherapy could be an effective way to fight cancers that are challenging to treat.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily

Thursday, December 17, 2020

December 17, 2020

Catalyst research: Molecular probes require highly precise calculations

Catalysts are indispensable for many technologies. To further improve heterogeneous catalysts, it is required to analyze the complex processes on their surfaces, where the active sites are located. Scientists have now reached decisive progress: They use calculation methods with so-called hybrid functionals for the reliable interpretation of experimental data.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 17, 2020

Longest intergalactic gas filament discovered

Astrophysicists have for the first time observed a gas filament with a length of 50 million light years. Its structure is strikingly similar to the predictions of computer simulations. The observation therefore also confirms our ideas about the origin and evolution of our universe.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 17, 2020

Study reports drop in lung cancer screening, rise in malignancy during COVID-19 surge

Reporting on how deferred care worsened outcomes for lung cancer patients when the COVID-19 pandemic first surged in the spring of 2020, researchers explained that they have identified a framework that could help people with serious health conditions keep up their appointments during the current surge.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 17, 2020

The most consumed species of mussels contain microplastics all around the world

"If you eat mussels, you eat microplastics." This was already known to a limited extent about mussels from individual ocean regions. A new study reveals that this claim apparently holds true globally. The team investigated the microplastic load of four mussel species which are particularly often sold as food in supermarkets from twelve countries around the world.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 17, 2020

Greenland 'knickpoints' could stall spread of glacial thinning

The jagged terrain of Greenland's mountains is protecting some of the island's outlet glaciers from warm coastal waters, according to a team of researchers. However, in regions where the flat bedrock offers no such protection, runaway thinning can reach far into the ice sheet and eat away at previously unaffected ice and contribute to sea level rise.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 17, 2020

Electron-producing microbes power sustainable wastewater treatment

Researchers have developed a sustainable wastewater treatment system that relies on electron-producing microbial communities to clean the water. The work could someday lead to reduced reliance on the energy-intensive processes that are used to move and treat wastewater, which accounts for as much as two percent of the total electrical energy consumption in the United States.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 17, 2020

How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected measles vaccination rates?

Researchers evaluated changes in measles vaccination rates from before the pandemic to this summer, when return for clinical care was encouraged. Finding a steep and lasting decline, the researchers are making efforts to improve timely vaccination and provide safe catch-up opportunities to children in their pediatric primary care network.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 17, 2020

Genes could be key to new COVID-19 treatments, study finds

Genes involved in two molecular processes -- antiviral immunity and lung inflammation -- were pinpointed in new research. The breakthrough will help doctors understand how COVID-19 damages lungs at a molecular level.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

December 16, 2020

Experimental vaccine can counter dangerous effects of synthetic cannabinoids

Made in clandestine laboratories and sold widely across the United States, the diverse class of drugs known as synthetic cannabinoids presents a growing public health threat. In a new study, scientists have devised a way to deactivate these designer drugs after they've been administered -- offering a potential path for treating addiction and overdose.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 16, 2020

How the spread of the internet is changing migration

The spread of the Internet is shaping migration in profound ways. A new study of over 150 countries links Internet penetration with migration intentions and behaviors, suggesting that digital connectivity plays a key role in migration decisions and actively supports the migration process.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 16, 2020

Researchers identify neurons that control nausea-like responses in mice

Researchers have identified neurons that regulate nausea-like responses in mice. When these neurons are experimentally turned on, nausea-like responses can be activated regardless of exposure to nausea-triggering substances. Without these neurons, nausea-like responses to poisons are lost. The results shed light on the sensation of nausea and present new targets for the design of improved, more precise antinausea medications.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 16, 2020

Infrastructure key to balancing climate and economic goals in developing countries

Developing nations have an opportunity to avoid long-term dependence on fossil fuel-burning infrastructure as they move toward economic stability, even if they are slow to cut carbon emissions, say the authors of a new article. Countries with low per capita incomes can keep their contributions to global warming to 0.3 degrees Celsius with careful foresight and planning, urge scientists.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 16, 2020

Bigger and better 'tweezer clock' is super stable

Physicists have boosted the signal power of their atomic 'tweezer clock' and measured its performance in part for the first time, demonstrating high stability close to the best of the latest generation of atomic clocks.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 16, 2020

New type of atomic clock keeps time even more precisely

A newly-designed atomic clock uses entangled atoms to keep time even more precisely than its state-of-the-art counterparts. The design could help scientists detect dark matter and study gravity's effect on time.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 16, 2020

Oh so simple: Eight genes enough to convert mouse stem cells into oocyte-like cells

By activating just eight genes for transcription factors, researchers have directly converted mouse stem cells into oocyte-like cells that mature and can even be fertilized like egg cells. In addition to giving new insight into egg cell development, the research may lead to a simple route for generating large amounts of oocyte cytoplasm for use in reproductive biology and medicine.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 16, 2020

When dinosaurs disappeared, forests thrived

To understand how specific ecosystems were affected by the meteorite impact that led to the mass extinction of dinosaurs, a team of scientists has analyzed the microscopic remains of plants from this period. They found that local plant communities and ecosystems experienced a long-term shift towards fewer aquatic plants and an increase in terrestrial plants, including trees such as birches and elms. Changes in rainfall patterns during the extinction event were relatively minor and short-lived.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 16, 2020

A pair of lonely planet-like objects born like stars

An international research team has discovered an exotic binary system composed of two young planet-like objects, orbiting around each other from a very large distance. Although these objects look like giant exoplanets, they formed in the same way as stars, proving that the mechanisms driving star formation can produce rogue worlds in unusual systems deprived of a Sun.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 16, 2020

The human helpers of SARS-CoV-2

Proteins are the functional units of the cell and enable the virus to enter the host cell or help the virus to replicate. Scientists have examined the corresponding genes of the helper proteins in a large study.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 16, 2020

New study links cadmium to more severe flu, pneumonia infections

High levels of cadmium, a chemical found in cigarettes and in contaminated vegetables, are associated with higher death rates in patients with influenza or pneumonia -- and may increase the severity of COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses, according to a new study.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 16, 2020

Lipid identified in human breast milk may play important role in early childhood weight

A lipid metabolite called 12,13-diHOME is in human breast milk. The authors of the study propose that 12,13-diHOME, as well as linked pathway metabolites from breast milk, have a protective effect against obesity development in offspring. They also suggest that a single bout of maternal exercise may boost levels of the metabolite in breast milk and that may translate into benefits for offspring in terms of healthy growth and development.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 16, 2020

The DNA regions in our brain that contribute to make us human

With only 1% difference, the human and chimpanzee protein-coding genomes are remarkably similar. Understanding the biological features that make us human is part of a fascinating and intensely debated line of research. Researchers have developed a new approach to pinpoint, for the first time, adaptive human-specific changes in the way genes are regulated in the brain.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 16, 2020

Extracting precious zinc from waste ash

Incineration of solid waste produces millions of tons of waste fly ash in Europe each year, that most commonly ends up in landfill. But this ash often contains significant amounts of precious metals, such as zinc. A unique method can now help extract these precious metals, potentially leading to reductions in environmental pollution, landfill and transport.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 16, 2020

Evapotranspiration in an arid environment

Evapotranspiration is an important process in the water cycle because it is responsible for 15% of the atmosphere's water vapor. Without that input of water vapor, clouds could not form, and precipitation would never fall. It is the process by which water is transferred from the land to the atmosphere by evaporation from the soil and other surfaces and by transpiration from plants.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 16, 2020

Type of sugar used to sweeten sheep milk kefir may improve consumer acceptance

The study of human emotions can be used to gauge the sensory acceptance of dairy products. A possible route to increase worldwide consumption of sheep milk kefir may be to improve its sensory acceptance, which can be a determining factor for its inclusion in daily diets. Scientists studied the effects of kefir sweetened with five different sugars on sensory acceptance and emotional profile in regular consumers of fermented dairy products.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 16, 2020

Device mimics life's first steps in outer space

A new device promises insight into how the building blocks of life form in outer space. It mimics how molecules come together in the freezing darkness of interstellar space.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 16, 2020

'Chaotic' way to create insectlike gaits for robots

Researchers are embracing chaos and nonlinear physics to create insectlike gaits for tiny robots -- complete with a locomotion controller to provide a brain-machine interface. Biology and physics are permeated by universal phenomena fundamentally grounded in nonlinear physics, and it inspired the researchers' work. The group now describes using a system of three nonlinear differential equations as a building block for central pattern generators to control the gait of a robotic insect.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

December 15, 2020

An avocado a day keeps your gut microbes happy, study shows

Eating avocado as part of your daily diet can help improve gut health, a new study shows. Avocados are a healthy food that is high in dietary fiber and monounsaturated fat. However, it was not clear how avocados impact the microbes in the gastrointestinal system or 'gut.'

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 15, 2020

Exploring the relationship between nitrogen and carbon dioxide in greenhouse gas emissions

An interdisciplinary study on a decade-long experiment (1997-2009) found that lower nitrogen levels in soil promoted release of carbon dioxide from soils under high levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, and could therefore contribute to furthering rising atmospheric greenhouse gases and climate change.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 15, 2020

Ancient DNA continues to rewrite corn's 9,000-year society-shaping history

Scientists report the fully sequenced genomes of three roughly 2,000-year-old cobs from the El Gigante rock shelter in Honduras. Analysis of the three genomes reveals that these millennia-old varieties of Central American corn had South American ancestry and adds a new chapter in an emerging complex story of corn's domestication history.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily
December 15, 2020

New insights about depression

New research reveals new insights about risk factors for depression based on data from a landmark longitudinal study focused on heart disease.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily

Monday, December 14, 2020

December 14, 2020

Trees are out of equilibrium with climate

A research team studied the current ranges of hundreds of North American trees and shrubs to assess the degree to which species are growing in all of the places that are climatically suitable. Researchers found evidence of widespread 'underfilling' of these potential climatic habitats -- only 50% on average -- which could mean that trees already have disadvantage as the world continues to warm.

from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily